Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Put Your Best Face Forward

Dear Claire,

Sometimes it's easy to forget what a beautiful face you have.  Please allow me to remind you - you have a beautiful face, one of the most beautiful in all the world.

How to keep it that wonderful way?

#1.  Keep your face out of the sun.  Play in the sun, read in the sun, and relax in the sun but always wear sunscreen and a hat.  Seriously, while all your friends are frying their faces off out on the beach, keep a hat over yours, and within only a few years you'll be able to tell who has sun damage on their skin.  Sun causes some pretty ugly things - brown spots, wrinkles, and moles that can become cancerous. Which reminds me...don't even think about getting inside of a tanning bed; orange is best left to sunsets and lillies, not on your face.

#2. Do what a professional tells you.  I've been pretty lucky with my skin, all I do is wash it with Dove moisturizing soap and then put on some Pond's face cream.  Unfortunately that means I don't have much advice to give regarding a face-washing regime.  So if you have problem skin, don't ask me for help, just ask for a drive to the nearest professional and we'll do whatever they say!

#3.  When it comes to putting on make-up, less is more.  Choose one feature (your favourite one) and focus on it.  For example, if you love your eyes, put on some great shadow and mascara, and then go a bit easy on the lipstick. If you try to make all your features stand out, you'll end up looking like a clown.

#4.  Most important - smile with your mouth and smile with your eyes.  Nothing is more attractive than happiness, so show yours with a great big smile and let your eyes shine with the same joy.

Love you gorgeous!

These pictures should terrify you....

These pictures should inspire you....

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