Tuesday, June 19, 2012

In the Navy

Dear Claire,

When it comes to fashion, there are very few things that will stand the test of time.  A little black dress, fitted white t-shirts, and a khaki trench coat are about the only things you can bank on being in style every single year.

If you want to look gorgeous every season, regardless of the trends, ensure that your wardrobe has a few key pieces in navy blue.

Navy blue is the most undervalued colour!  Wear a navy suit instead of a black one, you'll appear more chic and stand out next to the thousand women all in black. 

The best thing about navy blue is that it is a great colour for accessories.  Hair bands, belts, and scarves all look fabulous in navy.  Navy blue sandals with white capris...hello Jackie Kennedy on a sailboat!  Floor length navy gown with martini in hand...Audrey Hepburn is that you?!  

Navy also flatters any hair colour; it will look great whether your hair is brown, blond, or red.  Navy will even do wonders for your complexion, black often looks harsh and creams may "wash you out"; navy will brighten your face beautifully.

Casual navy blue may be the best of all!  White and blue striped t-shirts for the sailor summer, navy shorts flatter any figure, and what is cuter than a navy cocktail dress with tiny white polka dots?? Nothing.

So join the navy doll, and you'll be a beauty every time.

Love Mom

ps - one exception...navy blue leather is puke-worthy so skip the leather bags and shoes

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