Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pants That Fit

Dear Claire,

Please, buy pants that fit.

I know that you're going to go through some phases where you wear clothes because they're trendy and all of your friends are wearing them.  These clothes aren't always going to be very flattering and will often make you look awkward.  I get it.  This is part of growing up.

But, if you could just buy pants that fit, I promise it will make you cringe a lot less when you look back at pictures one day.

If your pants are too small, they won't look right.  If your pants are too big, they won't look right.  If they're too short or too long, they won't look right.

Flare.  Skinny.  Ripped.  Dyed. Bell-Bottoms.  Harem.   Even Acid-Washed.  

I'm cool with all of the above; just buy the right size.

Love you Girl,


  1. Ouch,I feel like I look like the third picture in every pair I wear. I have been trying to find somewhere that says I can wear maternity jeans for one full year after giving

    1. LOL I'll be sure to let her know that she can wear any pants she wants for a full year after giving birth - you're right, it only seems fair. AND I totally know what you mean about maternity jeans! They are sooo comfortable and it's nice not having to do up a button and zipper :) When can't they just make all jeans like that????

    2. Agreed all pants should have elastic waist, wait that would be very

  2. Hi Lindsay, What a cutie your daughter is. Great advice :) Happily returning the follow.

  3. OH NO!!! That last picture kills me :|
