Thursday, December 20, 2012

One Piece is Not Enough

Dear Claire,

I haven't been able to write all week.  Something awful happened one week ago in the United States and twenty-six innocent people were killed while at school.

Since then I've been thinking about those little children who were taken from their families.  I've been thinking that this is my favourite time of year and I bet it used to be for those families too.  I've been thinking that when it comes to tragedies like this; I have no advice.

I don't know what to tell you.  I don't know whether I'll know what to say when another tragedy like this one happens and you're old enough to ask questions, and to worry, and to wonder the same thing we're all wondering: why?

I don't know if I'll tell you the truth either.  If I'll have the courage to tell you that sometimes, there isn't an answer, and we may never know why.  And even if we did know why, would it make it any easier?  Can we find peace without having the answers we're looking for?

When I started this blog, I would sometimes think, that God forbid, anything ever happened to me, at least you would have this.  You would have this blog, my pictures, my belongings, and most of all you would have Daddy and Grandma and Grandpa who would be able to fill in so many pieces for you, about me.

Since Friday, I've been thinking...what if it was the other way around, and you were taken from me?  I don't have enough of you yet.  Your artwork is not enough yet.  There aren't enough home videos of you.  I don't have all your report cards, your graduation cap or your wedding veil.  We haven't played Barbies yet, you haven't been to a sleepover, and we haven't even argued about you spending too much time on the phone.

The pieces I have of you right now are not enough.  I want more.  I want every single piece to the person you are meant to become.

In my paryers to keep you, and all children safe from these types of senseless violence, I will continue to think about the families of Sandy Hook Elementary School and how they no longer have the same dreams they had seven days ago. I will keep mindful that the pieces they had hoped for have been stolen.  I will pray for them, and wish them peace and that they will hold onto as many pieces as possible of their beautiful children.  

Love Mom


  1. Hi! I found you on the blog hop and was kinda maybe hopin' that you'd pop on by and follow me back!


  2. Lindsay, what a beautiful format you have here. It took me a minute to realize these posts are letters to Claire. And such meaningful ones too. Wow. I can only imagine the legacy you're leaving her for the years to come. It makes me yearn for a daughter. Thanks so much for your visit to my blog. I sure appreciated hearing from you.
    Blessings to you and sweet Claire,
    Merry Christmas
    Leslie (aka Gwen Moss)

  3. Don't you wish you could wrap her up in a cocoon of protection to keep her from the evils of the world? In this evil world where we have little to no control over the crazy that occurs, we just have to pray that they get the opportunity to live full and healthy lives, untainted by the evils of this world. What beautiful sentiments you wrote to your daughter. She will treasure them when she gets older.

    Thank you, Mahalo so much for linking up to the Aloha Friday Blog Hop last week. I am following you back by the way. :)

    If you have time, we'd love to have you come and link up to the Aloha Friday Blog Hop if you haven't already! We are hosting a great giveaway too which is a wonderful opportunity to give some extra exposure to you lovely blog. Come and link up, enter the giveaway (if you haven't yet) and celebrate the coming weekend with us!


    Jean {What Jean Likes}
